Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Student Safety on the Internet

The Internet is a wonderful resource for free information from government, local, international and educational sites. Additionally the Internet provides current students with low-cost access to information that you and I could never have imagined growing up. But, like most things in life, the Internet does come with some ugly strings attached. There are Internet predators and sites with inappropriate content for our children. The Internet is limitless in the influences that it makes possible for our children and not all of those influences are uplifting.
It can be difficult to make sure that children are protected from the dangers of the Internet while they are at school. Teachers must take an active role in providing the safest environment possible for the students, and children need to know the difference between what is and what is not acceptable Internet use.
Children need structured education about how to safely use the Internet. Teachers should play an active role in helping children make wise decisions both in and out of school. Internet safety deserves a place in the regular yearly curriculum our teachers have. There are resources for teachers to learn more about the Internet themselves. After all, these dangers did not exist 15 years ago. Teachers should also be given the opportunity to be taught about Internet safety. School boards and districts would benefit from incorporating or instigating Internet safety programs that both teachers and students can benefit from.

1 comment:

PmslTech said...

Good Idea post on this. Thanks

Orissa Java